Discover what participants are saying...
"I highly recommend this course because it was SO beneficial in many ways - where do I start! We all suffer from difficult relationships, they should teach this stuff at school :) The coaches are incredibly supportive and insightful. A truly life-changing experience!"
Tracy Quertier
"Through their wonderful concepts, course material and ideas I was able to deepen my own understanding of what love is and what power is, how it shapes my love and sex life. I've become more in touch with my own personal power and I recognise how I can use this in all aspects of my life to become a stronger, healthier and more loving person."
Nick Vellisaris
"Inspired, profound and highly valuable material to help create healthier and happier relationships. Particularly useful in relating, understanding and developing compassion within a committed relationship. Absolutely worth it!"
Anna Chung
"My overall experience was extremely positive! Every week I had a real ground-breaking breakthrough. I have been shown how to take my power back in how I choose to conduct myself. I now have the tools to do so. I recommend this course highly because you've helped me on the path of becoming more of who I want to be and how I want to live my life. X
Michelle Dabrovski
"To any person who dares to question their own relationship patterns and also how to define our own needs and align with the needs of another person, I believe this course will offer some profoundly positive tools to establish more successful dynamics."
Carly, Artist
"A paradigm shift around Love and Power for me. Ian and Tia offer a unique perspective that can shift your thinking profoundly."
Cora Zon, Radio Producer
"I really enjoyed The Love, Sex & Power Lab! It was challenging and fun at the same time. It was good to learn new ways, perspectives and approaches that are easily accessible and different to my own."
"I strongly feel if more people learned the skills I learned in this course, the world would be a better place for all with more love, understanding, awareness, consciousness and presence."
Laura Azman
"Throughout The Love, Sex and Power Lab, I learned how and why I was closed off and how to open back up to love again. The Love, Sex and Power Lab changed my life""
Trinity Duckworth
"My biggest takeaway was just how much I sit in the Erotic phase of love in my everyday life. This has helped me contexualise much of my actions and the responses I've gotten from others through my life. It's help me to realise just how much power I've given away in the past because people were scared/confronted by my use of the Erotic."
Nick V.
"After reading through my notes I know I see a big change in where I was, in relating to others, to where I am now. I will definitely be recommending this course."
Jane Beckett
"I found this to be a practical and powerful course with universally applicable principles for personal and relationship growth."
Michael Cause
"Tia and Ian are such an inspiring couple. For anyone that is seeking a life partner that is fully aligned with yourself and what you want out of life, I recommend this course."
Greg Papanastasiou
"I began Ian and Tia's course with what I thought were decent relating skills. After the course I've gained deeper insight on how I’ve communicated in the past, where I could have done better and what may have created disharmony for myself and others. I feel more aware, better prepared when issues arise and elated to show up in the world with a stronger sense of awareness, presence and courage to speak my truth"
Lisa A.
"I really enjoy Ian & Tia's work! I have been sniffing them out for a few years now and it was really great to finally do a whole course with them online. I love their perspectives and unique approach to relating."
Sophie Cook
"I had a positive experience of the course and believe it will likely have quite a significant beneficial impact on my future relationships, friendships and relationship to myself and how I engage with the world."
Tony Carter
"I learned a lot that I was able to put to work in my life straight away. I definitely improved relationships with everyone around me, and am able to read social cues a lot easier."
Rod W.
"I found it all very interesting and it flowed well. I liked all the elements, individual time, partner time/break out rooms, group sessions. I have learnt so many powerful skills now. You are both very personable and slightly different, it's so great to have both a male and female facilitating. You are experts really, can't fault you! Well done."
Julie S.
"Ian and Tia have developed keys of communicating in relationships that are relevant for all of us. What is more important than maintaining, and deepening the connections we have with people? With our partners, children, students, parents, colleagues, friends... The Keys covered are useful for improving communication with everyone in our life, including ourself."
Tys Sun, Father and Gardener
"The Love, Sex and Power Lab was an enjoyable experience from start to finish, one that made me think about many different aspects. It was genuinely a joy to participate in every week with a great group of people."
Sophie C.
"Tia and Ian are full of infinite wisdom. You can feel relaxed, safe and welcomed as soon as you meet. Their heart-centred approach to explaining concepts and giving guidance is not only useful and practical but also nurturing. They deliver with warmth, humour and love."
Anna Chung
"Learning about the interactions between people and the interplay of energies in The Love, Sex and Power Lab was so valuable. I am now able to communicate with people in an open hearted manner, knowing that I am being true to myself and owning what I really want."
Natalie L.
"You guys are amazing at what you do. How you teach and bounce off one another and your skills at holding space!"
Naomi Smith, Wellbeing Consultant
"Throughout this course, I can see where I may have caused disharmony in my past. I feel more prepared to speak my truth now. Less arguments. More listening. More play!"
Tom C.
"Like all good therapy, I found this course to be very confronting at times. It has challenged me to recognise how self-destructive I am (especially in romantic relationships). My communication strategies before this course were very ineffective at honouring my inner truth and were therefore making it impossible to bring about the positive change I want to see."
"With the support I’ve received throughout this course, I am open not only to romantic relationships, but also to the next adventure that awaits... and I'm so excited! Thank you, Tia and Ian, for all the ways you’ve helped me grow!"
Laura Azman
"I liked the way Ian and Tia facilitated, it was very social. The coaches are both very empathetic and are highly skilled at keeping things back on track. This course frees you up in your ability to relate to friends, lovers, and family.
Rena T.
"I found Ian and Tia's workshop to be super potent, a lot of realisations came to me and really helped me create a clearer vision of my life."
Valery De Vreese
"I really enjoyed the way Ian and Tia used different aspects of their personalities to work together as facilitators. It made for a clear dynamic where each person's personality was able to come to forefront, and balanced the overall teaching experience."
Paula B.
Tia and Ian are warm and caring experienced facilitators. The workshop was a gentle, yet deep awakening to the forces of power and love in our world. I love the integrity of the material.
Sandra Brujita
"One of the biggest take-aways from The Love, Sex and Power Lab was the importance of approaching intimacy in different ways, that it doesn't have to play out all at once."
Cat M.
"Participating in this work fulfilled my expectations of the quality of the material that Tia and Ian share. I finished the session feeling excited to learn more and to put into practice the tools I gained. For deeper relationship work, Tia and Ian offer their wealth of experience with a lot of heart and passion."
Jessica Lyons, Singer
"This is engaging material. Ian and Tia have a very open and natural flow of communication between them and happily impart their hard earned wisdom."
Louise S
"I'm feeling lighter in my heart and have accessed another layer of groundedness and power within me. I'm feeling very grateful for this work." Lulu Marie.
Lulu Marie
"Tia and Ian promote sharing and acceptance. The content will give you insight into how you and partner or other can impact the outcome of a committed relationship. It is like having two loving parents giving you great guidance on how to live well and be happy that your inner child is so desperately longing to hear to flourish and be happy."
Prue K.
"I found the courage and confidence to stand in my truth. Ian and Tia are great teachers to deliver deep knowledge into how to untangle yourself. I highly recommend."
Agnes Kruze, Mystic & Artist
"I've done a lot of therapeutic work around relationships yet this simple seminar both cemented what I already knew, and gave me some new insights that will guide my future actions in relationships. I am grateful for the warmth, friendliness and relatability of the hosts and their wisdom from their own experiences and practice. I would recommend this to anyone seeking a new perspective on understanding their important relationships."
Amy S
"I gained an awareness of my deep desires, how my actions affect others and the ability to give and receive love. Thank you Ian and Tia for helping me to open myself to encounter my deep desire and awareness of myself. Truly recommended!"
Sarin Singh
"This work is serious and fun. Tia and Ian lift the lid on the shadows we bring to relationships, in particular the intimate relationships. It has brought forward my courage to discover my needs and desires and now I have ways to clearly articulate them to my partner. It's like two wings of the bird are balanced and flap together in resonance and freedom to soar high and deeply through our hearts. Thanks again for teaching us the hows and whys of healthy relating... Much Love Paul"
Paul Watt
"I feel very grateful to have had the opportunity to meet Ian and Tia on my bridge :-) I really enjoyed the male and female energy holding the space. The personal reflections and input / feedback from others was also so useful."
Brad Wright
"I can see where I expend too much energy, become disempowered and learned how to move through it. Recognising when my power gets out of balance has been most valuable for me."
Tim H, Support Worker
"The Love, Sex and Power Lab helped me to recognise certain patterns in my past relationships and helped to look at what were the elements that I wasn't aware of. I've found myself viewing love in a very fixed way, shaped by my upbringing and experiences, but this course, and it's facilitators Tia and Ian helped to me to open up to the different levels of love that on offer."
Nick V.
"Ian and Tia are wonderfully experienced and devoutly heart centered facilitators. They each brought their respective skills and gifts to create an interesting, engaging and inspiring exploration into Love, Sex and Power. I would recommend this work to all seekers or anyone wish wishing to up level their relationship with their life for greater fulfilment."
Jessica Lyons
"Ian and Tia are undertaking such important work for people wanting to find their power and to apply it with love. Their skills and abilities to teach and hold space while raising a high vibration and creating an inspiring space, will be valued and taken with me. Love their work!" Naomi Smith.
Naomi Smith, Wellbeing Consultant
"I found the interactions very valuable, the sharing in groups with peers. Breaking the ice and sharing your truth out loud in front of others is empowering as the space feels safe."
Valery De Vreese
"Thank you Ian and Tia for your brilliant course. I am so glad to have attended and have learnt so much. Your facilitation style is excellent and it's a joy to be taught by both of you. The content is extremely relevant and can be adapted to life easily! :) Thanks again!"
Tracy Quertier, Florist
"Ian and Tia are an amazing couple, so down to earth and real, and break things down for ease of understanding. This work is a fantastic template for self inquiry."
Richard London
"As always, Ian and Tia distill the heart of our inner conflicts and help us get clearer on the answers. They effortlessly blend emotional and intellectual intelligence to gain a deeper awareness of the dynamics of power, sex and love."
"This work will bring about many shifts, and is delivered gracefully."
Tim H
"This course doesn't just help in relating but in personal empowerment. After this course, I feel that I'm on a path of knowing myself better, managing conflict more effectively and engaging with the world from a more empowered place. Thanks Ian and Tia!"
Michael Cause
"My overall experience was extremely positive! Every week I had a real ground-breaking breakthrough. I have been shown how to take my power back in how I choose to conduct myself. I now have the tools to do so."
Michelle D.